10 December 2006


new moon prayer riding on muni in san francisco november 2006 i'm not sure what the date is but i know i'm around new moon time....

dear goddess,
within whose arms you carry all love for us clasped to your breast in a deep embrace so that we may always hear your heart beating in love with us ...... please take this love that you allow to flow through me and use it to fill the eyes of a child so that he or she may know beauty and fill her or his heart to the brim that it can know the joy of contentment and comfort ..... and embrace this child so that she or he may know belonging and acceptance ......and please allow each loving breath that you exhale into me nourish every molecule of this humble human body that i may generate more love with every breath that i expel into this universe ....... and may another and another and another and another child receive this love and be free from doubt pain sorrow sadness suffering and come to know love and come to foster love with each breath she or he exhales back to you and then to me and back again in a whirl-windy-every-morning-breath-cyclone of love-seed-loaded-molecules ping-pong-ricocheting around your
universe of

........please let the chaos WIN so it may liberate all the box-makers and box-dwellers from their illusions of order
that they
may be swept-up and tousled in this whirlpool until they too remember what has
always been deep in their CELLS
just what it is to ..................

....and let them run away from paperwork and official forms..... and go find a duck pond to sit by the edge watching tiny wriggly guppies .......and let them eat jujubees .... and yell hallelujah to everything the guy crashed out on the park bench tells them about nixon